2002 April - Readers Respond The Readers Respond

Nov. 01, 2005 By William ""Spodeboy"" Perry

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 An Open Letter To The BLM


It does a heart good to hear someone tell it like it is in an intelligent and passionate way. I could not agree more with Mr. Johnson's comments to and about the BLM. We as the tax paying, off-roading public have tried our best to be the pillars of decorum in the war against the Granolas. I can't tell you how good it feels to finally hear someone say what the rest of us are thinking.

I am one of the generation that Mr. Johnson talks about. Raised on Supercross and the X-Games, my outdoor interests lean more toward the mechanized variety. People like Mr. Johnson should be applauded and recognized for their work. If the rest of us needed a little wake-up call, maybe this is it.

Thanks Mr. Johnson.

Ryan Flowers



Thank you for putting Victor Johnson's letter to the BLM into the April 2002 Off-Road.com web page. You are correct.....this wasn't the most PC of letters to a government agency that holds the life and breath of your sport in the palm of it's hand, but it sure was funny. Sometimes you have to get tough with these people to get them off the dime.

I don't know if this will go anywhere, but I feel I need to tell someone about it. Maybe you could suggest some sources for help on the following matter. I live in Richland Washington and have been riding for quite some time now. We have (or had) a great riding area out here in the desert called Juniper Forest. The BLM has for the last 20 or so years been working with a local farmer to provide public access to the public lands (Juniper Forest) for every form of outdoor recreation. For the last 20 years or so, the Farmer has allowed the public to cross his land. Last summer the Juniper Forest area was shut down to everyone due to fire hazard. Yes, believe it or not the east side of Washington state is a high desert and suffers from really bad range fires if everyone isn't careful.

The Farmer and his wife used this to their advantage and closed down access across their land to the BLM land. They basically were tired of the garbage and the risk of a law suit should someone hurt themselves out there. I don't blame them a bit. The BLM has done nothing to get this issue resolved for the last 20 years. Now we sit and wait for the BLM to negotiate the purchase or trade for the land. I find myself traveling 400 miles to ride at the next best place instead of riding in my own back yard, thus increasing the number of people at that riding area. The Farmer is more than willing to trade and/or sell his land to the BLM so that he is out of it entirely. Unfortunately, the BLM has nothing to encourage them to get off the dime and provide the public with access to the public lands. The local news station wrote a story up on the issue and we saw a little bit of hustle on the BLM's part but only a superficial amount. Basically they performed a lot of hand waving to cover their ass and stall everyone for a little until the media got tired and went away. I have called, my friends have called, even the local jeep club president has called the local BLM representative in Spokane Washington to bug them about getting this thing fixed. NO DICE!!! I have been told that the actual trade and/or sale of the land could take another 20 years. They have set a price for the Farmer's land but are continuing to drag their feet. Is there anything else that can be done to encourage the BLM to resolve this issue?

Thanks for your time.

Charlie Mandis

I've been there too. Here in Colorado there are a number of access roads to public lands that are literally driveways for land owners. If you can imagine having dirtbikes rip through your driveway all weekend you might have a good perspective of what it might be like. From their point of view - the biannual BLM of FS truck is no big deal in comparison.

Several years ago - after riding a brutal 35 miler here in the Rockies, I ended up at a locked gate near a farm house with a very nasty sign on it, literally 20 feet from paved highway and another trail on the other side.. I had been looking forward for a quick bail out for the last 5 miles - but it did not happen. Before I had the chance to dismount and talk to the land owner, out he came with his shotgun. Unfortunately - the adrenaline rush did not last the whole 35 miles back. This land was closed to motorized use permanently a number of years ago following the Buffalo Creek fire.

There certainly needs to be some kind of balance, access is required by law but can be a significant burden on the land owner in light of increased recreational activity . The Feds definitely need to rethink/reroute these access roads in light of the recreational use they may receive.


Just read the letter to the BLM. Very good. I started exploring SE Utah in 1968. The first time I took the Schafer Trail I saw one Toyota Land Cruiser. I traveled the entire White Rim Trail in 2000 and saw 4 vehicles, one was the honey wagon servicing the restrooms. I have yet to see these enormous hordes of vehicles the enviromentalists claim are ruining the countryside.

I think this letter is the most intelligent piece I have ever read on the subject. We need more people like him representing our side of this issue.

Thank you, Tony Kaczmarek


As an unhappy subject in a state (Iowa) with virtually no public riding areas, my family and I dream of one day doing regular riding vacations out West. Perhaps moving there. My recreational dollars do not get spent in states that close public lands to public use. Ever. Bad enough my tax dollars go there. I'm working against that. 
In fairness, I must admit that Iowa at least has SOME reasonable excuse for its lack of public riding areas: our lands are USED to feed the world ! It would be a mighty hungry world if Iowa's land were under BLM control! Tractor tracks, tilling, harvesting....Oh My Goodness!!
Like the farmers of this state, I believe in "conservation" : the intelligent USE of resources. The druids who claim to be saviors of Nature are the most selfish, elitist, and ignorant organisms wasting the Earth's resources ( like oxygen ). Their idea of "preservation" is a great big jar of formaldehyde. Good for preserving DEAD THINGS ! Nature abhors "preservation". It is not a "natural" occurance.
The incredible egos of those who presume to "perfect" nature is exceeded only by their ignorance and refusal to accept the fact that man is just a tiny part of Nature. The world will continue to change and evolve long after man's brief stint. More species lived and perished forever from the face of this planet before the first hairy biped existed than have ever lived or died since. We aren't even a blip on the scope...
As a lifelong hunter and outdoorsman, I have been doing battle with these people for years through the NRA, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, etc.. As our wildlife populations have exploded out of control here in Iowa and elsewhere, thanks to conservation efforts and dollars of hunters, the druids have now been proven to be totally wrong and have focused their attention at preventing human interaction with the very wilderness itself instead.
My best friend's 14 year old daughter has spent her entire life on her hands and knees and in a wheelchair. The incredible cruelty of organizations such as the Sierra Club who like to point out that "hiking trails are open to wheelchairs" disgusts me. We plan to take our entire families to experience remote areas. How far might Katelyn get? She loves riding with her daddy and brothers. Hates her wheelchair. Any druids out there volunteering to push?
The only bright side I see in the current trend to close public areas, is there will no longer be a need for BLM and other government bureaucracies who, under current leadership, have totally failed in their mission to manage public lands for the use and enjoyment of the public. I'm sick of paying their salaries. I'm sick of paying for lands my children will never enjoy. I am letting my elected officials know this in no uncertain terms! Less government is Better government!! Hold these people accountable. If they can't handle the job, FIRE them!
We have been  "live and let live" citizens for too long. Our numbers are great. Our cause just. Perhaps it is time to unite with organizations such as the NRA to promote the conservation of our public lands and the right to use them. It is the same enemy we are fighting. Begin by asking your representatives to take a good hard look at the failure of the BLM. I am.

Scott Rath


To Victor -

Wow. I mean, wow. Ok, first of all, I'm not even near your state or situation. I live and ride in Missouri. But, I can identify a well-written piece of lashing when I see it. I gotta tell ya, man, it's about time somebody said it like it should be said. Around where I live there are 2 tracks (one recently made into a concrete landfill by the jackass neighbors in the industrial park) and a trailpark in Chadwick, MO. Due to the increasing population of college students and high-class, uppidy, glorified hillbillies; there seem to be more and more hiking trails and less motorcycle trails. It's like pulling teeth to find a variety anymore without a five hour drive. Some old OHV access trails have been converted for hikers (after we've paved the way, like you said) while others have been shut down or blocked off completely like it was a wildlife refuge in Rwanda. Some of the hate crimes that your population of motoheads have been experiencing are spreading to other areas, although, it sounds like you still have it worse. I don't know how I would react if some suit told me I couldn't ride at Chadwick anymore. Something fierce and postal would ensue, I'm sure. I just wanted to say I'm impressed with your aptitude, commitment, and efforts (especially with the maps, that's dedication).

So here's my vote of confidence:
"To the Victor go the spoils!"
Spoil it for 'em, baby.

Ian Heath

Delivered in perfect Bruce Campbell Style... Thanks Ian!

 Spit, Lies and Video Tape


Hey Kim!

Congrats on your excellent article!

My stops for bladder relief in any enduro dwarfs resets. I certainly admire the grit it takes for a woman dirt biker to pursue her sport.

However, you were an instant hero to me when I saw your accompanying photo (Gas Gas 200).

I am a personal friend and business partner with Don Knight, of Gas Gas North America. Therefore, additionally, I was ecstatic to see the exposure. (Technically speaking, all plastic is interchangeable, so color is not a guarantee of engine displacement).

If you're as good a rider as you are a writer, I'll be eating your dust along with all the other AAs.

May God bless you and your family,

Ladd Dilworth
Rienzi, MS

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